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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting -  May 25, 2010 @ 6:00 pm
Town Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT
Present:  Hovious, Barkman, Cramer, Kaley, Wilson and Wright
Staff: Rob Sibley, Deputy Director of Planning & Land Use; and Tammy Hazen, Clerk

Executive Session was called to order at 5:10 pm and adjourned at 5:50 pm.

The public meeting was called to order at 6:07 pm

Commissioner Hovious requested to add “Potential Acquisition of Properties (Easement)” to the agenda under Old Business, Item #3.

Public Participation – Austin Cirella was present to discuss his Eagle Scout project.

Approval of Minutes – Commissioner Cramer motioned to approve the minutes of May 11, 2010.  Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion.  Minutes were approved as amended.

Old Business – Action Items

  • Commission Critical Work Matrix (Mission Statement for Invasives) –  The commissioners reviewed the Critical Work Matrix.  The Strategic Planning subcommittee will submit their mission statement at the next meeting. A Goal Statement for the Acquisition Strategies Subcommittee was submitted by Commissioner Wilson.
  • Duck Day Plans –  Everything is all set for Duck Day.  Set-up time is between 9:00 am and 9:30 am.  
  • Potential Acquisition of Properties (Easement) – Commissioner Kaley motioned to send open space property #09-10 to the Board of Selectmen, pending field inspection of survey flags.  Commissioner Wright seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.
New Business

  • Eagle Scout Project – Commissioner Barkman introduced Eagle Scout, Austin Cirella, who explained his plans to build a trail on Point o’ Rocks Preserve.  Commissioner Wright motioned to accept Austin Cirella’s proposal to build a trail on the Point O’ Rocks Preserve.  The trail will enter across from Dickenson Park and end at Point O’ Rocks Road.  The approval is pending the receipt of a written application and map.  Mr. Cirella will send an e-mail with a written explanation to Mr. Sibley who will then forward for distribution.  All ayes except Commissioner Kaley, who voted Nay.  The commissioners discussed establishing a trail approval procedure to follow.   Note:  The Newtown Trails Committee Proposed Trail Project Process Flowchart was prepared for the Conservation Commission’s review.
  • Commission Membership and Meeting Time – Commissioner Hovious received a letter of resignation by Randy Grabowski and discussed Commissioner Barkman’s plan to step down from the commission once a replacement is found.  The commissioners discussed a list of attributes for Conservation Commission candidates, i.e., Interest in the environment and/or natural resources; Ability to get into the field to walk and otherwise visit sites; Computer literacy (e-mail, spreadsheets, word processing, GIS, GPS, etc.); Ability to attend meetings on a regular basis; Leadership potential; Team player; Confidentiality; and Writing skills.  Other suggestions can be sent to Commissioner Hovious by e-mail.
  • Owl and Bat Nesting Boxes – Commissioner Cramer discussed a study of Barn Owls to help diminish the mouse population.  Larry Fisher from the DEP offered the commission six ready-made owl boxes.  The placement and monitoring of them is crucial.  Mr. Fisher asked for feedback of this project.
Old Business – Progress Reports and Updates

1.      Status of the Forest Activities – Commissioner Cramer discussed the CT Yale School of Forestry.  Commissioner Wright distributed information from Larry Russeau from the CT DEP, Forestry Division, and explained three types of Certified Forest Practitioners.  Commissioner Wilson said that Dan Dalton, an Arborist with the Newtown Forest Association, would like to do a tour of some of the parcels in June.  Three parcels to be assessed first are Grady, Raynolds, and Pole Bridge.  

2.      Open Space Care and Maintenance Committee

  • Tech Park Revised Plans and Maps –  Commissioner Kaley stated that the Tech Park plans will probably have a public hearing with the Inland Wetlands Commission on June 23, 2010.
  • Open Space Inventory and Maintenance Progress –  Commissioners Hovious and Kaley met with Mr. Sibley and Ms. Hazen on May 12th at the Land Use Office to discuss improvements to the open space index and filing system.  It was decided that each open space and conservation easement file should have the following contents: (1) Deed (showing size, year acquired, source constraints), (2) Survey, (3) Contour map, (4) Resources statement (not limited to natural resources, may include information like parking availability); (5) Inspection Report to include (a) Use Statement (current and future), (b) Care and Custody Plan, (c) Violation observations and responses.  It was also agreed that the open space inventory will consist of an MS Excel spreadsheet having a row for each property.  Commissioner Kaley reviewed an additional 22 Inventory Sheet properties with respect to open space index file existence and contents, bringing the number of reviewed properties to 28% of the total 292.
  • Property Marking Plans, Surveying Status and Selection  – The commissioners discussed marking on the Hawleyville open space.  Commissioner Kaley stated there is a shortage of suitable trees along the road for posting.  Mr. Sibley said they can drop in 4 x 4 posts in that area.  It was noted that homeowners are mowing around the pond on that space parcel.  There is a great deal of invasives on this property, but great potential for trails.  A map will be marked up and given to Mr. Sibley for posting.  Also, letters will be sent to people placing personal property on open space.
  • Ferris Farm Monument Status – Commissioner Wright said the plaque will be completed soon.  A tentative date of June 11th was set for a ceremony.  Invitees are to include the First Selectman, Shirley Ferris and Representatives Murphy and McKinney.
  • Taunton Lake Status – Mr. Sibley will follow up on the entrance sign for this open space parcel.
3.      Public Education Sub-Committee Report

a.      Invasives Working Committee Report – The commissioners discussed a priority list of properties for invasive removals.  An e-mail will be sent to the Vice Principal and science teachers at the high school to see if students would be available to help.  Kendra Bobowick is completing an article every other week focusing on invasives.  Commissioner Barkman suggested that Al’s Trail should be a priority.  Properties that are highly visible were discussed as well.  Commissioner Wilson suggested encouraging neighbors to participate in invasive removals.

b.      School Presentations – Commissioner Wilson met with and trained two high school freshmen, Rachel Divanno and Samantha Steimle for the “What Is An Aquifer” presentation.  This was presented to four fourth grade classes at Head O’ Meadow School on Friday, May 14th.  

c.      Volunteer Database – Commissioner Cramer is maintaining the volunteer database.

4.      Al's Trail Commissioner Barkman discussed invasive removal scheduled for June 1st at 7:00 a.m.  Volunteers will meet at #11 on Al’s Trail map.  She discussed vandalism of painting on trees in Rocky Neck near the kiosk.

5.      Conservation Easement Language for New Open Space on Queen Street – Mr. Sibley will send a .PDF of the Conservation Easement language to Commissioner Hovious.

  • Natural Resource Inventory Update Status Report – There is nothing to report.
  • POCD Planning – The Strategic Planning Committee will submit a report by June 15th.  Commissioners Cramer, Wilson and Hovious will review.
  • IWC Hawleyville Railroad Project Hearing – Commissioner Hovious attended the Inland Wetlands meeting regarding the railroad.  Mr. Sibley stated that a house bill sponsored by State Senator McKinney and State Representative Lyddy passed for review.  The bill requires DEP to not approve any pending request for a new solid waste facility located within 1,000 feet of a primary aquifer or a secondary aquifer, or the expansion of any such existing solid waste facility, until the "need" for such additional solid waste handling capacity is specified by the state's Solid Waste Management Plan.  
The meeting adjourned at 8:53 p.m.